Infographic / Article

Managed Network Services: creating the much-needed space to think strategically

Chris Faticoni, Director Product Management, and Adam Neises, Senior Product Manager, share their points of view on the growth of managed network services and the value for IT and the business.

CIOs and IT departments are still busier than ever managing networks despite the ever-present pressure to find efficiencies and support revenue generating opportunities.

IT pros need to be confident in network performance. Yet, many companies often work with multiple vendors - one for Wi-Fi, one for the router, and another for the Internet service. When something goes wrong, it’s difficult and time consuming to identify exactly where the problem lies.

If you consider the stats from Frontier’s recent infographic, 68% of CIOs see creating new revenue-generating opportunities as part of their responsibilities (and 72% of their line of business counterparts agree).*  IT does not have time to be figuring out who needs to fix what.  Resolution, when required, must be seamless, so IT can direct its efforts and resources to what the business cares about.

“The entrenched trend has companies moving key capabilities to the cloud and taking more of IT offsite. That creates a greater, critical dependency on the network and the internet. As companies become more digital, it’s not in their best interest to direct IT dollars to break/fix, just-in-case skill sets anymore. They need to level up and refocus their staff on innovation and creating new revenue streams.” Chris Faticoni, Director Product Management

60% of organizations are expected to be dependent on managed service providers by 2025

As companies move to the cloud and become more digital there are more expectations and pressure on IT to deliver. The network is always the backbone. A business can’t do anything without connectivity. Every capability relies on that backbone being strong, reliable and secure. If the network is down, the business is down. A company won’t be able to generate existing revenue, never mind new revenue. Having a trusted provider proactively managing the network and streamlining it affords CIOs and IT teams precious time. If something happens, it's one phone call to get it resolved quickly and efficiently.

Working with one vendor delivers the value of time and simplicity

Unlike a lot of pure managed service providers, Frontier also provides Internet connectivity as part of its solution. Customers know exactly whom to contact for any issues with equipment, software, or the connection. In the event of a problem, Frontier provides a streamlined support system to achieve the quickest, most efficient resolution.

Frontier focuses on the network, so customers can focus on their businesses. 

“By extending network visibility right up to the computer, we can identify issues and fix them before they have any real significant impact to the business. And it’s one phone call because we can see and address the network all the way across.”

– Adam Neises, Senior Product Manager, Frontier

* State of the CIO 2023