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3 Signs It’s Time to Evaluate Your Network Capabilities

In a hyper-connected world—where our society functions on data, devices and the relationship between the two—your customers depend on one concept: the growing need for speed. Is your network infrastructure able to meet your end users’ evolving demands? If not, where do you start supporting your customers’ growing data needs?

Upgrading, augmenting or replacing legacy networks may seem like a massive undertaking. But with a deep understanding of your customer base, your internal capabilities and what’s available through a strategic wholesale partner, you can weigh your options and proactively help your end users go further, faster.

Current bandwidth can’t support customer growth

Reducing latency is increasingly becoming a critical network need for providers. And demand for data isn’t slowing down anytime soon. By 2023, 5G speeds will be 13 times higher than the average mobile connection—reaching 575 Mbps2. This means providers need to invest in a network that supports growing bandwidth capacities to successfully carry traffic from point A to point B.

Network evaluation questions to consider:

  • Does your network deliver the speed and performance next-gen technology demands?
  • Do you have the capacity and internal expertise to build a powerful network in an agile way?

Since centralized cloud resources aren’t physically close enough to support evolving demands, providers also need solutions that minimize the gap between end users and application services. Edge Colocation brings data and workloads closer to your customers while improving performance and decreasing latency.

A reliable wholesale network provider can help you deliver on the 5G promise by supporting traffic growth with backhaul, reducing time to market and enabling better end-user experiences.

Your end users require more remote flexibility than ever before

By 2022, 53% of the U.S. workforce will be remote1. And the power of the cloud is only as good as the network that connects providers and end users. As technology continues to push data to new limits, your customers need access to better solutions, faster network connections and more collaborative ways of working. And there’s no time to wait.

Network evaluation questions to consider:

  • Can your network reach and support the interconnection and internet accessibility of remote locations?
  • Are your customers located in rural or metropolitan locations?
  • Do you have the time, resources and finances necessary to expand your network in these areas?

Today’s healthcare companies face a surge of bandwidth demands to support telehealth and virtual medicine. School districts need ultra-low-latency networks for e-learning and time-sensitive applications. In every vertical, the solution remains the same: a responsive wholesale partner with expansive network reach to help deliver better, faster access to end users wherever and however they need it. And more important, the quickest cost-effective way to seamlessly deliver network solutions across your customer base.

Operating on current infrastructure hinders the ability to innovate

Hyper-connected environments continue to leverage IoT technology to bring automation and remote monitoring to growing locations. Which means you must be able to provide high-capacity solutions to transport data between multiple locations and support your customers where and when they need it most.

Network evaluation questions to consider:

  • Do you have access to network infrastructure that supports new technologies and functionality, as well as increasing data consumption demands?
  • Building versus leasing: What will require the minimum time, expense and effort while having the maximum positive impact for your customers?

At the core of all technology applications and solutions lies a foundational need for agile, reliable networks. To meet today’s demands and tomorrow’s opportunities for your customers, you need to extend your reach and strengthen connections. Ethernet Internet Access and Frontier E-Path solve for your fronthaul, mid-haul and backhaul options while keeping your end users and end points connected and protected.

Making the decision to upgrade and acquire wholesale services can seem daunting and complex. But with the right wholesale partner who’s making the investment to innovate, you can take advantage of deep network reach and keep up with the ever-evolving needs of your end users.

How do you know it’s time to augment or upgrade legacy networks? When your customers’ success depends on it.

As hybrid working, edge computing and technology trends continue to drive what’s next for providers and end users, network modernization is non-negotiable. And preparing for the future requires partnering with a wholesale connectivity provider who can support the low-latency, high-capacity networks required to deliver the best possible end-to-end experiences.

Keep up with your customers’ fast-changing demands by ensuring your network is ready for the task. Take the first step and connect with a Frontier Wholesale specialist today.

1 gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2021-06-22-gartner-forecasts-51-percent-of-global-knowledge-workers-will-be-remote-by-2021
2 cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/executive-perspectives/annual-internet-report/white-paper-c11-741490.html